Monday, February 28, 2011


I LOVE Coke Slurpee's! I mix it with a little bit of cherry, but more coke than cherry!
If there is a Cherry Coke available, Man Im in heaven!(Thank you target on Tustin in Orange mm Icee)

Hair makes me happy, I LOVE color! I wish I pursued it more.

Eye Shadow is so much fun, MAC is a favorite (prolly cuz I get discounts), but I love loose shadows a lot right now!

Nail Polish! OH MAN, i love thee! It just brings a little bounce in my day! Seeing something bright and fun on my hands a smile to my face! Today they are a sparkly bubble gum pink! Yesterday a fun Mustard Yellow! My toes are currently a very pretty turquoisey color!  Thank you lil sis for those!

Hair accessories are FAB!!! Im working on my collection! I have wonderful friends who are super talented who help provide cuteness to my head! Rock A Bow and Olive Blue (Click the buttons to the right to find them!)

Micro Dermabrasion Creme makes your skin feel baby butt smooth! I LOVE the stuff!
Click to view on my site!
Kenra Hair Spray Is my BFF! I So love it! Ive had a few people try to get me to switch, I have tried their fave, and always come back to mine!
 I do love me a glass of Newtons Kirkland Grapejuice, WITH ICE! YUMMM!
Jellyfish are BEAUTIFUL! My favorite animal. Pink and graceful and just amazing!
I also love Octopi, and the Octopus necklace Nick got me, I LOVE it!

Alrighty thats all for now! I was just bored!

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