Wednesday, April 30, 2014

His n Hers

I walk into the garage and spotted my husbands collection. I then giggled! His collection of oil is funny to me! We have enough to last YEARS!! My collection... a little different!
Its funny because my best friend stopped by since her washer died to throw her clothes in my washer and noticed his oil collection!! Same day. I'm easily amused!

As he loves his collection of oils... I LOVE and ADORE mine!

I have been having so much fun learning and researching. Ive been getting emails or text messages from friends and family asking what would work for this or that, and off I go!!! My mind is blown as to what these babies can do!!!

Have a question on what you can use for what....
Email me:
Website to find these oils-

Email me if you want to get more information on a starter kit with many of the oils to help replace your medicine cabinet !

**I am not a Doctor and do not have the ability to treat or diagnose. Anything you choose to use is upon your own discretion.

ALSO, did you see my new button!!! Yeah, up there on the right, my face.... if you click it, it takes ya somewhere fun!!! :o)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Monday- Food.. Excersize.

Ive slacked on my juicing. I MISS it! Ive slacked on eating well. I havent been eating bad, but not my best. My Anxiety problems are starting to come back as well.. Numbing in the face, strange heart beating, feet and hands feel funny. Ive been tested left and right, lots of blood work and an MRI. So busting out my oils (which help a ton), fixing my diet, main thing.... Being consistent!!!

So heres what I did today.

I juiced, carrots, LOTS of green, a beet (and its leaves), cucumber, a chunk of ginger, one apple and a lemon.  Not gonna lie, for the first juice back, it was a little hard to down. I only drank a quarter of it, saving a quarter for my smoothie and the other half for tomorrow.

I was gonna clean up and make it all pretty.... But this is real life!!!

For the smoothie I put some of the pulp in it.... BAD PLAN! BLEH I also added fresh strawberry, the juice an orange from my tree and frozen berries. I didnt add veggies this time cuz of all the veggie in the juice. I also added hemp protein, chia and flax. The pulp made the texture, NASTY! I didnt finish my smoothie, instead froze into ice tray to spread out through different smoothies this week, NO WASTING! I drank about half.


Then to iced coffee. We have a Toddy Cold Brew System. I LOVE it. so I had that mixed with vanilla coconut milk creamer. Its yummy but I try to avoid carrageenan and it has it... I also will often use Vanilla Almond milk. Or plain almond milk with a splash of vanilla extract. (I also ate 1 Irish soday bread biscotti)

Lunch was half a cucumber, Power Greens, unsalted toasted by me sunflower seeds, a lemon, half a jalapeno, carrot and an avocado.  I did tear off a piece of baguette.
After lunch I made a blended Matcha drink with Matcha and plain almond milk. I added vanilla extract and a small squeeze of agave. not bad!


Through out the day and before lunch and dinner (not before breakfast cuz I want my juice to be the first thing in my system) Ive been drinking glasses of water with either a couple drops of Lemon oil or a couple drops of Slim & Sassy.

Dinner was a fail. thin crust pizza, it was easy. I started to feel worn down. I think Im getting a cold. Im gonna try to knock it out and will share with you this week.

After each meal Im hopping on the tread mill for 10 minutes or the stair stepper for 10 minutes. (kids occupied with coloring or dancing, or naps.) I hope to do 20-30 minutes on the stair stepper at wake up most likely before bed. Ive just bumped my short goal on my Fitbit from 7,000 steps to 8,000 steps but ideally making it to 10,000 steps each day.I did not accomplish that.. There will be other days. Its a process.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Good Friday I decided VERY last minute with a 3 day notice to have an Easter play date with some friends. To my pleasant surprise we had 15 kids and so much fun!
Nick and I stuffed eggs the night before, I had a target run and cleaned the house.

Friday morning friends started showing up. My friend Jenny brought me a peanut butter mocha, she was the first to arrive! It was yummy! I made sea salt monkey bread!!! Just add a little sea salt to the to the sugar cinnamon mix then sprinkle a little on before popping in the oven, THEN sprinkle some on after you flip it. (I didnt sprinkle much on)

We did resurrection rolls, I followed my friend Kristen's blog, which was so much fun. The kids watched a video while the resurrection rolls baked. I wish I would have shown them this one instead. Both were great though!!
I, the kids and I didnt fix it, had placed the the rolls to close together on the baking sheet... they baked together, and kinda made a mess... Silly mommy, I also didnt check to make sure the rolls were all completely sealed such... Mine were not as pretty as Kristen's.. When we cut it open, and the the marshmallow was gone, my eldest was flabbergasted! She did not understand! I truly enjoy that, curiosity, wanting to understand.

I pulled out some coloring sheets for the kids to color, I closed up the blinds and a mom and I went and kid the 100 eggs Nick and I stuffed. Then we let them out! Littles first to get a headstart then a minute later we let out the bigs, and they darted around. The smiles and the laughter heard was the absolute best! Im so glad I had a last minute shindig and may will do it every year!!!

Our Easter was simple. My poor Mister stepped on a nail on Saturday. He went in and got a tetanus and antibiotics.  The Dr he saw told him that if his foot got any redder, hut anymore or swelled at all to head straight to the ER, that he had seen to many cases where the patient didnt take it seriously and lost a limb..... So of course Easter morning Nicks foot was more red, swollen and he was feeling more pain. The kids and I dropped him off at the emergency room and headed to church.

We attended a new church twice, I adore it. Everyone knows everyone. So every 3rd person asked me where Nick was, I made the mistake by saying, "at the ER" I should have started with 'Nick stepped on a nail yesterday......' Oh well! I talked to my dad, he invited us over for lunch, he assumed we had Easter plans. We didnt. so veggie sammies and salad it was. (Nick is fine by the way. He had an Xray and the examined the wound)

Here are some photos, not the best, but its what I got! Friends took some great ones as well!:

Anbo hadnt seen her friend in a while, she was SOOOO excited to see her.
They each drew a best friends photo! Sweet Girls!
