So not long ago I found out that one of my top customers with Sensaria started selling for another company!!! I was mad, not at her, at myself! Why hadnt I asked her to work with me, to be on my team! It was all my fault. I accepted that.
Isnt it the same with Christianity! When I see someone go and follow something false, shouldnt I be upset? Shouldnt I be asking why I hadnt gotton to them first? I shouldnt support them in the decision to follow whatever it may be. I shouldnt congratulate them, but yet pray, pray that they see the truth, the true light and way!
And in that I am realizing that I need to surround myself with the like minded, people who love Jesus, who will support me and lift me up, who will pray for me and hold me accountable. People who will help strengthen my walk with Jesus. At the same time be a witness and not compromise my beliefs. I NEED to be an example to my girls, be a lover of Christ and live my day to day life in that.
That is part of my goal for the new year, to grow stronger than ever before, that a change can be seen. We have committed ourselves into a small group, I just joined an online 4 week Bible study (Im waiting on that) and am going to try and be a better mom to my girls, and a better wife to my man! (I have the best man EVER, he deserves for me to be a better wife!)
I pray my girls grow up to love Christ, to respect themselves and to love others! I have a list of stuff I want them to be! and there is only one way to do that, to trust in Christ! I know one day they will go out and make their own decisions, but its my job to do my very best to show them the correct path! So here I go!
Im sorry if a lot of this is jibberish, its late and Im tired!
Lets hold each other accountable!
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