That bubble gun was the BEST purchase! We heading over to the train, she had been begging to go on it, she HATED it! It was dark out, so on the train it was pitch black, she asked if she could use her bubble gun while riding, I whipped it out, attached the bubbles and handed it over. It lit up, and bubbles came POURING out of it! People, adults and kids a like were giggling, they loved it reflecting off the ceiling and the bubbles floating off!
As we departed the train, an employee looked at Anberlyn and said, 'Have a memorable rest of the night beautiful bubble princess!' Her face lit up! she said 'oh thats silly, bubble princess, maybe cuz I have a bubble gun he said that!
She walked the park with that thing, people popping them, yelling LOOK BUBBLES! Mainly adults. running over and dancing around in them! It was so fun!
We took the monorail to Downtown disney, then walked over to the parking structure, so many more people, again ADULTS LOVING the bubbles, kept commenting on her gun, and how cute she was!
Anbo, 'mom everyone loves my bubble gun, everyone should get one!'
I agree, turn disney into a bubble wonderland!
There is something about a shiny round bubble, that brings out the child in all of us! I love it! I love bubbles! So fun!
Awe! SOO cute... ok, why i am up. see ya tomorrow!