Friday, August 3, 2012

Coffee Break {{Vlog....}}

So last week Alissa challenged us to a Vlog, a 30 seconds about me... SOOO I gave it a whirly twirl! So awkward, so silly, I retook the video like 400 times, finally saying, EH, whatevs!! SO here we go!!! Prepare to laugh, and judge my poor lighting! HA

Now that was great fun....... Can we say dorkster! :o)
Im me, and thats the best I can be....! Is that true? We shall see!

Continue to Vlog? Yes? No? Maybe so? {Circle your answer} {Or just comment below}
The dorkiness continues! :o)

Linking up with Alissa at Rags to Stitches.


  1. I am a dork along with you, although you are not dorky, while I am dorky...wait.

    A resounding YES to doing the vlog again... :)
    Have a great weekend!

    1. THANKS! Do you see all my silly faces! and how many Ums can you count!?!?! hahaha

  2. LOL you are to cute!! I loved it!! BONeal

  3. You did fine! You were so hard on yourself for no reason! I vote more VLOGs.

    1. UGH! Nick laughed at me and agreed that Im a huge dork! THANKS

  4. MORE VLOGS!!! You did great! Totally You. :-) and not dorky at all. I Loved it and can't wait to see another. You should totally start hair, nail, and make up tutorials for the homebodies like me.

  5. You ARE a dork but you look beautiful AND you look most comfortable when you're talking about your girls :D I say SUCCESS

  6. Yea!!!! perfect :) ! You were great! found you from the Rags to Stitches coffee date list! :)

  7. Hey! Just found you through the link up. I did my first one and felt like a big dork too hahaha I'm a homeschooler too and a stay at home mommy! Nice to kind of meet you ;)

  8. hahahaa! this was so great, but I can't stop laughing that you said "Oh, I can't press stop"

    1. hehe! I know, I'm a little bit {{insert finger motions for little bit}} of a dork! Thanks for stopping by pretty lady!
